Osakis General Store
204 Central Avenue, PO Box 277
Osakis, Minnesota 56360
(320) 859-5159
Guns Galore, LLC
15 West Main Street, PO Box 274
Osakis, Minnesota 56360
(320) 304-7046
Osakis General Store and Guns Galore, LLC: BUSINESS HOURS
Spring/Summer business hours
May 1-August 31 :
8am to 6pm Monday - Thursday
8am to 9pm on Friday
8am - 5pm Saturday
We are closed Sundays year round other than opening of fishing season and a few other holiday weekends.
Fall/Winter business hours
September 1-April 30 :
9 am to 6pm Monday - Thursday
9am to 8pm on Friday
8am - 5pm Saturday
We are closed Sundays year round other than opening of fishing season and a few other holiday weekends.
Special holiday/event hours:
Fishing Opener Saturday, May 11: open 6 AM - 5 PM
Fishing Opener Sunday, May 12: open 8 AM - 12 PM
Memorial Day Sunday: Open 8 AM - 12 PM
July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day: Closed
Christmas Eve: 9 AM - 1 PM
New Year’s Eve: 9 AM - 1 PM